director of development northeast obama foundation

director of development northeast obama foundation

David Simas, Chief Executive Officer. Deputy Director Of Development, Northeast at Obama Foundation Greater New York City Area 500+ connections. Harlem Grown .

Connie and her husband Steve have three sons and reside in Bellevue, Washington.Dr. Currently, Pritzker is a member of the board of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a member of the Aspen Strategy Group and the Aspen Economic Strategy Group, a member of the board of the Obama Foundation and on the advisory council of The Hamilton Project. Smoot’s previous experience includes work for numerous prominent Democratic senators, including Senators Dick Durbin, Tom Daschle, and Chris Dodd.Ms. During President Obama’s first term, she served as Chief of Staff to U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, and later, as White House Social Secretary and Deputy Assistant To the President.

Before that, she was a Senior Content Developer and Interpretive Planner in the New York office of the museum design firm Ralph Appelbaum Associates, where she worked on the design team that developed the National Museum of African American History and Culture, Smithsonian Institution, along with several other international projects.

David also served as White House Senior Advisor to President Obama and Chief Advisor at Uber Technologies, Inc, where he remains a member of the Board of Directors. See the rest of our leadership below. He was also a director of Harvard Management Company and co-chairman of Harvard University’s capital campaign.Mr. From 2001 to 2017, Salgado served as CEO of Instituto del Progreso Latino, where he worked to empower residents of Chicago’s Southwest Side through education, citizenship, and skill-building programs that led to sustainable employment and economic stability.Salgado is a community college graduate himself, earning an associate’s degree from Moraine Valley Community College before earning a bachelor’s degree from Illinois Wesleyan University and a master’s degree in urban planning from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We started My Brother’s Keeper so that every boy and young man of color in America would know that their dreams mattered as much as any other child’s. She received an MA in Theatre History and an MA in English Literature from Indiana University-Bloomington and a BA in Drama from the University of Manchester.

He is the President and CEO of PSP Capital Partners, CEO of Pritzker Realty Group and Executive Chairman of Vi Senior Living. As Museum Director, Dr. Bernard will lead the design, development and operation of the Museum of the Obama Presidential Center.“One of the key aspects of the Obama Presidential Center is a museum that does not just tell the story of the Obama Administration, but inspires individuals and communities to take on our biggest challenges. During both election cycles, she set new fundraising records.Ms.

As Museum Director, Dr. Bernard will lead the design, development and operation of the Museum of the Obama Presidential Center. Mr. Sacks funded the Greater Chatham Initiative and has been active in neighborhood economic development efforts throughout Chicago. He has held senior positions in government and the private sector including his role as manager of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. Golden was appointed by the President to the Committee for the Preservation of the White House in 2010, is the 2015–16 Chair of New York City’s Cultural Institutions Group and serves on the Board of Trustees of Creative Time.
from Harvard Law School.Investor and philanthropist, Demond is a partner at Adage Capital Management where he has invested in the consumer sectors for over 20 years.

Demond and his wife Kia, through their family foundation, focus on erasing the gaps created by social injustice in the areas of education and healthcare.

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director of development northeast obama foundation 2020