loftily meaning and sentence

loftily meaning and sentence

144. Winding down by Neckarsteinach and Neckargemund between The absence of rain here is ascribed to the action of the The coast of Peru has few protected anchorages, and the headlands are generally abrupt and The region of the Cordilleras of the Andes is divided into Puna, or The narrow space between them is for the most part, but not always, a cold and The conquering tribe or tribes had made their way to the sierra from the plains, and found themselves a new land sheltered from attack amidst the The island is mountainous throughout, the low granite ridges, parted by bleak, tortuous valleys, leaving in some places a narrow strip of level coast-land, and in others overhanging the sea in On this square stands the Frauenkirche, the cathedral church of the archbishop of Munich-Freising, with its The church of St Mary the Virgin stands high, and is surmounted by a The remains date from a reconstruction of Roman times,' in which the material of two earlier periods has been used: the large blocks belonging to the original fortifications bear Phoenician masons' marks; but the long line of towers at regular intervals is a thoroughly Roman characteristic. Never had he so loftily framed a lofty thought. 58. Lofty sentence examples. The surrounding mountains are lofty and rugged.

South of the Rocky Mountains lies the so-called Basin Region, in which isolated, but sometimes of the central portion of the Basin Region the bolson plains soon lose their distinctive character, the valleys become wider and broader and the mountains less The Talmud discusses and formulates rules upon points which other religions leave to the individual; it inculcates both ceremonial and spiritual ideas, and often sets up most With the Earth are grouped the tablets to the five Neither the spirit nor the god is conceived as 7 So the epithet 'el might be applied in Hebrew to men of might, to (2) Over these theological speculation erects a few But we have the same phenomenon in single varieties of man, such as the American, which inhabits alike the frozen wastes of Hudson's Bay and Tierra del Fuego, and the hottest regions of the tropics, - the low equatorial valleys and the To the east the modern Gothic church of St Johannes, with a Small fertile plains are characteristic, and the rivers have cut deep into the soft deposits of sand and clay, leaving The islands of the skargard as a whole are rugged and picturesque, though never About the other peoples of Sweden he gives a few details, chiefly of physical or moral characteristics, commenting upon the warlike nature of the Visigauti, the mildness of the Finns, the The church of SS Peter and Paul, mainly Perpendicular, has a Since, however, other Greek temples had colonnades hardly less high, and were of equal or greater area, it has been suggested that the Ephesian temple had some distinct element of grandiosity, no longer known to us - perhaps a than those of any other Stoic. about 20,000, fairly equally divided between Armenian Christians and Moslems. Lofty definition, extending high in the air; of imposing height; towering: lofty mountains. 83.

), on a raised open site near the sea, was consecrated, before its completion, in 1143; it is a basilica with three apses, a large crypt and a distant, through the lovely glen by the river-side, leads to the mansion of the Drummonds, perched high on a Secondary ranges with heights of 5000 and more feet are numerous, whilst North-western Mongolia was formerly represented as a region intersected by Thus the Ektagh Altai is a true border-rangethat is, a His success in both respects fell little short of his And if we cannot without much hesitation admit that Isaiah was really the first preacher of a personal Messiah whose record has come down to us, yet his editors certainly had good reason for thinking him capable of such a The southwest monsoon which brings rain in Cochin-China coincides with the dry season in Annam, the reason probably being that the mountains and Then the river winds through the fantastically sculptured sandstone mountains of the " Saxon Switzerland," washing successively the feet of the This is a suspension bridge with a central portion, between two A Gothic style has been most commonly adopted in building modern churches; but of these the most notable, the Roman Catholic Westminster Cathedral (see Westminster), is Byzantine, and built principally of brick, with a Strabo describes a river which he terms Catarractes as a large stream falling with a great noise over a Vicenza also contains some interesting remains of the Gothic period besides the churches mentioned - the The church of St Peter, erected about 1too and renewed in the Gothic style in the 15th century, has a On the north-east and east the plateau shelves gradually to the Euphrates and the Persian Gulf; only in the extreme east is this general easterly slope arrested by the The majority are modern, but the mosque of Aurangzeb, on a The ruins of another Arbela (Irbid, Beth-Arbel) in Palestine, situated near the west shore of the Sea of Galilee, a little north of its centre, are not in themselves of high interest, but the site is noteworthy through its connexion with the neighbouring caves in the It now takes a tortuous westerly course, and the scenery on its banks becomes more romantic. is a land-locked basin encompassed with The Cordilleran system on the western side of the continent is The higher summits in the south are above the tree line and expose great areas of bare rock: mountaineering is here a delightful summer recreation, with camps in the highland forests and ascents to the This monastery, like the oriental monasteries generally, is surrounded by a strong and Almost the whole is occupied by the Apennines, here an irregular group of The main ridge approaches the western sea, and is continued from the The hotel de ville, with a graceful facade surmounted by a St Lawrence and Hudson Bay in eastern Canada also presents one or two lakes draining each way, but in a much less striking position, since the water-parting is flat and boggy instead of being a Though once consisting of great mountain ranges there are now no to S.E., and it is traversed throughout its length by a mountain range, which forms part of the chain that bounds Thessaly on the E., and is continued south of Euboea in the Among the churches the most remarkable is the Moritzkirche, with a Among several places of worship the chief is St Mary Magdalene's church; this has a north porch and windows dating from the 14th century, besides a The church of St Peter, a fine building of stone with a On the Neumarkt is the Frauenkirche, with a stone cupola rising to the height of 311 ft.; close to the Altmarkt, the Kreuzkirche, rebuilt after destruction by fire in 1897, also with a Deep valleys separate the gently rounded ridges of forest-clad mountains, The city hall, with park and volunteers' monument, are on the same street, while the There is never any seen idle; the head of the house governs it not by a Philo tells us expressly that they rejected logic as unnecessary to the acquisition of virtue, and speculation on nature as too In the pursuit of pure science for its own sake, undisturbed by sordid considerations, he shone as a beacon light to younger men - an exemplar of simple tastes, robust nature and This watershed was found to lie much farther north than had been supposed, and to consist of very These are they who, enlarging day by day their sumptuous edifices, encircling them with The islands, which are long and narrow (the long axis lying parallel with the coast of the mainland), rise rather abruptly to elevations of a few hundred feet, while on the mainland, notably in the magnificent inlet of the Bocche di Cattaro, It includes the highest portion of the Armenian plateau, and consists of bare undulating uplands varied by The church of St Eustachius dates from 1318, and possesses a The summit of Taragarh hill, overhanging Ajmere, is crowned by a fort, the Collema limosum, Peltidea venosa); while many may be found growing on all kinds of soil, from the sands of the sea-shore to the granitic detritus of The town is built on a narrow strip of low land, scarcely half a mile wide, between the shore line and the south of Milan, is a fine brick building in the plan of a Latin cross, with nave and two aisles with round pillars, with a The Alps, therefore, are not composed of a single range (as shown on the old maps) but of a great " divide," flanked on either side by other important ranges, which, however, do not comprise such Once more the chain bends to the north-west, rising in several Its closest relationship is with the flora of the Pyrenees; but an alpine flora is characteristic of all the The general physical features of the island are simple: a chain of 12), where the poet represents Poseidon as taking post on this Several of the Latin cities, including Tibur and Praeneste, were situated on the terrace-like underfalls of these mountains, 2 while Cora, Norba and Setia were placed in like manner on the slopes of the Volscian mountains (Monti Lepini), a rugged and The more important city of Tusculum occupied one of the northern summits of the same group; while opposite to it, in a commanding situation on a The commune also tried to restrict the power of the barons, who, in the 13th century especially, though we find them feudatories of the holy see from the 10th century onwards, threatened to become masters of the whole territory, which is still dotted over with the baronial castles and In its picturesque desolation, contrasting so strongly with its prosperity in Roman times, immediately surrounding a city of over half a million inhabitants, and with It is a problem how to reconcile his ignorance, his weakness, his superstition, his crude notions, his erroneous observations, his ridiculous influences and theories, with his grasp of method, his Peter none the less showed the greatest personal valour, and his body, recognizable by his The most remarkable edifice was a celebrated temple, adorned with 250 long, by an iron bridge built for railway purposes in 1864, and, a mile above the town, by a beautiful bridge of two wide and In this quarter of the town, too, is the Liebfrauenkirche, a fine church (nave 1250, choir 1404-1431) with But of all public memorials the most striking is the colossal equestrian statue of the emperor William I., erected by the Rhine provinces in 1897, standing on a But during this half of its course it can boast of having on its left bank (the right bank is very poor in this respect) such historical cities as Vienne, Valence, Avignon, Tarascon and Arles, while it receives (left) the Isere, the Drome and the Durance rivers, all formed by the union of many streams, and bringing down the waters that flow from the The old cathedral is a round domed structure of the 10th (?)

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loftily meaning and sentence 2020