what is porifera

what is porifera

Reproduce […] Buds that grow out of the body of the sponge usually do not separate from the maternal organism; this leads to the formation of colonies of the most varied forms, such as in the shape of little trees or bushes spread across a substrate of bark, or of massive laciniate tubers.The height of sponges varies from a few millimeters to 1.5 m and more. Freshwater sponges are represented in the USSR by the Baikal sponge and several species of Spongillidae.The life processes of Porifera are connected with the continual filtration of the surrounding water, which, as a result of the coordinated beating of the flagella of the numerous choanocytes, enters the pores and, passing through the system of canals and the atrial cavity, flows out again through the mouth; tiny food particles (detritus, protozoans, diatoma-ceous algae, bacteria) enter the sponge, just as metabolic products are eliminated, with this water.

Body multicellular, few tissues, no organs.

This is a Complete Guide About Phylum Porifera Examples and Characteristics. Between them lies an interlayer of unstructured gelatinous matter, or mesoglea, which contains various types of cells, including amoebocytes, collencytes, and scleroblasts.

Scattered over the surface are numerous pores, which lead into canals that penetrate the body walls. When the living tissue is removed, the cylindrical skeletons often have the appearance of spun glass.

Copyright © 2011. The spicules, which often form a latticework, have six points or some multiple thereof.

Sperm are frequently "broadcast" into the water column. Almost all sponges have a skeleton, which is most often formed of spines, or spicules (monaxons or triradiate, quadriradiate, and hexactinal spiculues and their derivatives), which consist of silica or calcium carbonate; more rarely (in Keratosa, or keratose sponges), the skeleton is represented by fibers of an organic matter called spongin.There are 5,000 species of porifera; all are aquatic, predominantly marine, animals that lead a sessile, nonmotile life.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Porifera (pōrĭf`ərə) [Lat.,=pore bearer], animal phylum consisting of the organisms commonly called sponges sponge, common name for members of the aquatic animal phylum Porifera, and for the dried, processed skeletons of certain species used to hold water. Food is digested in ameboid archaeocytes that pick up food vacuoles from the choanocytes, which ingest the mainly particulate food.

They are found in every known part of the ocean, and directly interact with many other animals in the ocean. The Porifera are pore-bearing animals, commonly called sponges having holes or pores on their bodies. In the ascon type, the choanocytes line the atrial cavity and the thin body walls are perforated by simple foraminal tubules. Because the asconoid type has the smallest surface area, sponges of this structure are among the smallest in the phylum; leuconoid sponges, with a large amount of surface area, represent some of the largest members of the phylum.Pieces of sponge are able to regenerate into whole new sponges. The body of the typical sponge is either goblet-shaped or cylindrical, attached at its base to a substrate; at its free end there is a wide aperture called the osculum, which communicates with the atrial, or paragastral cavity inside the sponge. All are sessile (live attached to something as an adult). Gemmules are aggregates of sponge tissue and food, covered by a hard coating containing spicules or spongin fibers. The buds may remain attached to the parent or separate from it, and each bud develops into a new individual. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins The Paleozoic era is characterized by only 15 families of Porifera; several families arose in the Paleozoic and became extinct during the Mesozoic, during which more than 60 new families both appeared and died out. The more common name for the Porifera is the Sponge. Characteristics of Porifera: No definite symmetry.
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There are approximately 150 known species, exclusively marine and shallow-water dwellers.These are deep-sea sponges.

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what is porifera 2020